I hope I've done a decent job of letting them know how wonderful I think they are, and how rich my life is because of them. However, I am afraid they would beg to differ. So I figured, there's no time like the present, right?
You, my first born child, opened my heart to a whole new level of love.
You my darling girl have a way of humbling me. You are so
grounded and well rounded that you make my job as a parent seem easy. Sometimes
to me you seem wiser beyond your years, and often I have to reel myself back in
to remember that you are only eight years old.
You have a bleeding heart and wear it on your sleeve. You,
like me are a people pleaser. It matters to you that everyone around you is
happy, if not content. You often hurt for those who are hurting and tend to those
you feel you can help. Never lose that care for the world, for one day you will
impact it.
You may not be a leader, but you inspire those around you.
Your natural instincts may not be to stand above the crowd, but you can’t help
but inspire those around you when you stand amongst them. You have an infliction
to make things right or help those that need it, and your passion for it makes
people realize they could do it too.
You are an unbelievably smart girl. You have made your
father and me so proud from before you even started school. You learned your
ABC’s before you were even two. You have continuously amazed us with your
intellect, and every teacher you have had has adored you. They have encouraged
your need for more and you have met that with winning awards, and earning
special privileges. I pray you never lack for knowledge, but always heed more.
You have a thirst for art. You are at the age of finding
yourself, and you are unearthing who you are through your creativity. We always
knew you were creative, but you really impressed us when you drew the cast of ‘Yo
Gabba’ in chalk on the coffee table. You father was so impressed he had to take
a picture as a keepsake. Every day you uncover ways of finding yourself with
words, drawings, designing clothes, singing, and dancing. Your creativity knows
no bounds; please continue to broaden it every day.
You are extremely brave. Some people are born attention
seekers, others feel more comfortable watching. You have always been more
comfortable to watch, listen, and learn. However you have broke out of your shell
and realized you’re remarkable. You have participated in pageants where you had
not only to speak in front of a whole audience, but to perform solo. That, my
dear, takes guts and you have them aplenty. I don’t think I will ever be able to
express to you how proud I am of you to want something so much and go after it
the way you do. The pageant results mean nothing to us compared to the pride we
have for your courage to face a frightful situation.
Your kindness overflows. You are slowly but surely learning
a very important lesson in our household. Kindness matters. You are learning
that we have been so very blessed in our lives, that it’s an honor to give
back. One of my most touching memories will always be of you splitting up your bouquet
of flowers and sharing it with the other contestants of the pageant, because
they didn’t get any. Although you were hurt from not winning, you still cared
about the other girls and wanted to help make them happy. You are a beautiful girl, but the beauty you have on the inside shines bright. You thoroughly enjoy
making others happy and that will fulfill you for the rest of your life.
One thing about you that I know you will carry through life
is your ambition. Between sports, music, art, and school you are always looking
to improve your game. You oftentimes frustrate yourself when you have a slight
mishap, because you know your own potential and don’t account for any leeway.
Please remember you will not be perfect, you are not Jesus. But, I hope you
always know that no matter what you have the love and support of your family,
and even more from our Lord.
Also I want to thank you for your persistence. It is because
of you and your sister’s begging that we decided to affiliate with our church.
And we are so very grateful to you for that. Your pure, loving heart lead our
household back to church and our Lord, and for that we thank you a million
times over. I am extremely pleased with the relationship you have with God, and
I pray it lasts and spreads through the crowds of people you will and do
I love the connection we have, the easy way we understand
each other, and most importantly I love you. You will always fill my heart with
pride, and with that you will always keep me humble.
First and foremost I want you to know that my love for you
grows not only daily, but each and every second.
You are a spit fire in a little tiny package! I often say
you have no filter from your brain to your mouth, but in all fairness it is a
trait that you should never abandon. Refine it… yes, but never lose your brutal
honesty. It will make you a stronger and more reliable person.
Cherish your imagination. You have an amazingly creative
mind. You once entertained yourself with pumpkin pie canned ingredients turning
them into a circus. That will forever be one of my favorite Thanksgiving Day
memories. Please continue to dream big, for you will one day create a masterpiece
the world has never known.
You have an amazing sense of self confidence. You have
always been proud to be center stage no matter the venue. You love to entertain
us with your stories, jokes, dancing, singing, and even funny faces. Once when
you were only two you got on the karaoke stage with your Elmo guitar in front
of all our extended family and sang “Old MacDonald”. You held the crowd in the
palm of your hand. I hope you always
hold on to the knowledge that it does not matter what the world thinks of you,
because you will always have the love and support of not only your family but
an almighty God as well.
You have a wonderful relationship with our Lord. I love that
you have so much faith in the good of our religion and have not been tainted by
the politics that disrupt it. You praise, rely on, and thank God with no
reservations. Keep that pure love and don’t let the hatred in this world blacken
your heart. Please continue to proudly sing your “God Songs” as you like to
call them and spread your infectious enthusiasm wherever life may take you.
You are a little sponge that loves to soak up any
information you get your hands or ears on. The funny thing about it is that you
seem to do your best thinking when you’re on the go. You do your best spelling recitation
and math facts when you are bouncing around on the couches, or doing cartwheels
in the dining room. I hope you never lose your hunger to learn. No matter where
you go or what you do always seek more knowledge.
You are beautiful on the outside, because you are beautiful
on the inside as well. You have a kind and generous heart. One thing I hope to
be able to impress upon you is the importance of giving. In giving of yourself
you gain so much more in return.
You my dear, sweet, wonderfully pigheaded daughter are more
like me than you will ever realize. So many times I have watched you, argued
with you, and listened to you only to see so much of myself in your actions and
words. I hope it serves you well. I have to admit, I am pretty proud of where
my life has taken me, because it has led me to you.
Your Mother